Introducing GistPal
高效生产力助手 GistPal。GistPal 是一个专门为 GitHub:Gist 使用者打造的一款全功能代码片段管理工具。它小巧、安静的停留在系统工具栏,让您快速访问、查找、拷贝和分享您需要的代码。软件目标是为 Mac 程序员带来最方便的代码访问、分享工具,同时对编程工作流带来最小的冲击!
All you gists, organized
GistPal makes it simple to manage all of your valuable GitHub Gists code right from menu bar. You can sort your snippets by date, title, and more.
Type few key words, you can filter any gist code. All snippets are fully indexed.

Syntax Highlighting
GistPal features syntax highlighting with a wide range of supported languages. Choose your favorite ones out of more than 88 available languages.
Markdown Preview
Markdown now is everywhere and yes, GistPal also support it.
GistPal features GitHub flavored markdown syntax. Switch between editing/preview mode with a single click.

For any feature requests or bug reports, please reach us on Twitter or send us an email to
You could also create a ticket at GitHub issue page.